I just want to apologize

For not being on recently. I’ve been busy with school things. I have a paper due and an exam later today, and another paper due on Friday as well as extensive reading for my other courses so I’ve not had a chance to even queue anything. I would like to find a mod pro tempore or possibly a permanent mod if I really like you.

You would have access to this account, the snapchat, Twitter and Pinterest for the time being. But I would like this incase there is ever a time when I can’t update my blog because I’m too busy or I don’t have any internet. Anyway it would be a big help. I’ll accept nominations starting now. Basic rules
1) I need to see that you are active on your own blog
2) preferably I would like the majority (upwards 80%) of your blog to be Disney themed

I will accept your nominations and hopefully get back quickly and details will be discussed then.

Thanks again!