
film genre meme [2/5 animations]: sleeping beauty

“Before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday, she shall prick her finger, on the spindle of a spinning wheel, and die.

whats your thoughts on the disney descendents trailer for disney channel, the trailer is on youtube in case you havent seen it (personally i wish the movie was animated)


Hey there friend. I’m sorry I’ve not answered until now I’ve been very busy, so I’m glad I got to see it now. Also my dash isn’t letting me know when I have gotten a message so…silly dash. Any way I’m very excited for this movie and I hope the trailer does the movie justice. I have a huge amount of faith in Dove Cameron, I think she is the best Disney Channel actress at this present time. As for the actual trailer, I like it, but I hope they didn’t show all the best parts of the movie in it. I think it establishes the story well so you know what you are getting into, I’m actually about to start reading the book so I have a good foundation while watching the movie too. I also love Once Upon A Time, and I’m happy to see that Belle is played by the same lady that plays the Blue Fairy. I also think they have some good names in the movie, so I hope that this is one of those Disney Channel movies that is actually good because I have not been very impressed lately. So I have high hopes right now. Thanks for the question xxdrawingluverxx

So I wanted to give a review on Descendants and I thought that this was the best place to do it.

Add on to the answer above: xdaydreamqueenx I am pleased to say that I was very impressed with the movie. Because it was Kenny Ortega it had a certain Je Ne Sais Quoi that 90% of the other Disney Channel Movies don’t have. All in all I would give this DCOM a solid B. I really really liked the story, and most of the songs, but I wish that there was more variety in who was singing because 95% percent of the songs were sung by Dove Cameron whom I really enjoy watching grow as an actress playing such diverse roles such as Liv and Maddie as well as Mal, and even in her new movie Barely Lethal (Her first full non Disney movie). Yes I know she was in Cloud 9, but I just wasn’t very impressed with that movie as a whole, and I think the experience she’s had in her TV show as well as her first non Disney movie has made her grow as an actress. I happen to agree with every word of this article  because it’s just very true.

 I was very surprised at the popularity of the movie which was an amazing 6.6 million in the ratings  and the adjusted ratings have zoomed to 10.54 which is amazing. This movie has sparked the younger generation the way High School Musical sparked the millennials (my generation). I would not be surprised if there were sequels for this movie, and would I watch them? Is Mal’s hair purple? Of Course. 

As far as why I gave this DCOM a B, it’s because there were just so many parts that I found to be too cliche, and some parts I feel were just not needed. And before I go any farther I need to say that I love the talented and lovely Kristen Chenoweth. I did find her portrayal of Maleficent to be too big for who the character actually is. No obviously Maleficent’s curse was huge, but the actual character was much more calm, and I think that is one of the reasons that she is one of the most feared of all the villains. (It’s like when you were growing up as a child and you misbehaved at a store and your mother gave you that look which meant that you were going to get your butt whopped when you got home, but she was just so calm.) It was still a refreshing new taste of who Maleficent is. Now I know she plays her characters very big, but I also think that this had to be part of Kenny Ortega’s doing as well as the story developers and the team of writers, because Kristen Chenoweth is a very decorated actress and knows what she’s doing and how to play the characters the way they are designed to be. For a lack of better explanation, Maleficent was just too bright, and needed to be darker and more sinister in my opinion. I really liked the beginning of “Don’t you wanna be evil like me” because I feel like that is a song Maleficent would sing, but the chorus was just overkill, they could have kept the lyrics but changed the music to a darker more sinister sound to match the overall tone of what Maleficent was singing. The fluctuation of dark and deeper sounds to a “brighter” more upbeat sounds were annoying, and made me lose concentration over what the meaning of the song really is about. On a different note I loved the Evil Queen (played by Kathy Najimy) who had just some of the best lines in the entire movie, and played the Evil Queen exactly as I would expect if she was actually a mother with a step daughter she tried to kill in the past. This version was very reminiscent to Tangled’s Mother Gothel, who was demeaning, oppressive, and self obsessed with humor to match. Overall I liked all the villains though. It was a fresh new take on some of the classic villains much different from any version elsewhere.    

The script was very cliche, as mentioned before. Complete with cheesy lines like “I don’t know what love feels like” “Because we’re rotten…[ensemble of other villain children] to the core” it was just too much at some points. However there were amazing spots of humor that were highlighted by the cast in their choices of portrayal of their characters. Lines that may have only been somewhat funny became laugh out loud moments such as when Jane asked Mal if she could “Do my nose!” and Mal responded that she couldn’t do “big magic” yet. Now these moments are only funny because the lines were just so blunt and horrible to the character(s) that they were directed to, very similar to how Mother Gothel remarks in the mirror that she is standing in front of with Rapunzel that “I see a strong, confident, beautiful young lady…oh look you’re here too!” It’s just so horrible that it’s funny because we would never expect someone to say that.  

Overall this is a quintessential coming of age story more than anything else, more than teaching kids that your past doesn’t define you, your parents don’t define your personality etc. These are children that are trying new shoes and learning how to break them in, and coming into themselves as young adults and discovering who they really want to be without the pressure of their abusive, oppressive, and unloving parents.