
I’ve been thinking a lot about this whole “sharing a heart” plan of Emma’s, and you know what I just remembered that is making me want to curl up into a ball and cry for a million years?

“When I win your heart, Emma, and I will win it…”

I don’t think that is exactly what he had in mind, but I mean it works either way.


The most traumatic part of Hook’s death wasn’t just that we saw him die. It’s that we saw EVERYTHING AFTER. They showed him in a body bag being taken away by morticians. They showed Emma screaming and trying to hold onto his dead body. That was so unbelievably intense and emotionally exhaustive. OUAT has NEVER shown the after effects of a death like that before. The stuff that makes it real.


#your pain is my pain #and it’s KILLING ME #(she has to be forcibly dragged away from his body) #AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA goodbye #i can’t do this