I need more blogs to follow


Hey guys 🙂

I realized that i really don’t follow enough disney blogs so here’s the deal:

  • Reblog this
  • I’ll check out your blog
  • if i like it i’ll follow you but not with this blog it’s a side blog i can’t follow with it i’ll follow you with my primary blog
  • You have to be 95-100% disney
  • You don’t have to follow me but if you want to it’s cool 🙂 don’t follow my primary blog it’s like not disney related at all so yeah i don’t think you want my shit on your dash
  • That’s it actually..

Thank you 🙂


Is this just a movie filled with animal puns? Because if so I am in

I just want to apologize

For not being on recently. I’ve been busy with school things. I have a paper due and an exam later today, and another paper due on Friday as well as extensive reading for my other courses so I’ve not had a chance to even queue anything. I would like to find a mod pro tempore or possibly a permanent mod if I really like you.

You would have access to this account, the snapchat, Twitter and Pinterest for the time being. But I would like this incase there is ever a time when I can’t update my blog because I’m too busy or I don’t have any internet. Anyway it would be a big help. I’ll accept nominations starting now. Basic rules
1) I need to see that you are active on your own blog
2) preferably I would like the majority (upwards 80%) of your blog to be Disney themed

I will accept your nominations and hopefully get back quickly and details will be discussed then.

Thanks again!

Send me a colour


  • Turquoise: What’s your full name?
  • White: What’s your age?
  • Red: What’s your zodiac?
  • Blue: What’s your eye colour?
  • Yellow: What is your natural hair colour?
  • Lavender: When is your birthday?
  • Mauve: How tall are you?
  • Orange: Any pets? And if you have, what is their name(s)?
  • Purple: What’s your sexuality?
  • Lilac: What’s your gender?
  • Navy: What’s your first language?
  • Pink: Do you have/want piercings? If so, what kind of piercings?
  • Brown: How many hair colours have you had?
  • Green: What are you currently studying/hope to study?
  • Black: Do you have any bad habits, if so, what?
  • Amber: Name of your parents/guardians?
  • Burgundy: Favourite month?
  • Grey: Favourite movie?
  • Coral: Favourite book?
  • Magenta: Favourite disney movie?
  • Violet: Favourite song?
  • Auburn: Favourite band/singer?
  • Indigo: Favourite smell?
  • Beige: Favourite sound?
  • Lime: Favourite weather?
  • Vermillion: Favourite flower?
  • Maroon: Favourite dog breed?
  • Pastel: Favourite cat breed?
  • Fawn: Favourite word in your first language?
  • Cerice: Do you believe in aliens?
  • Tan: What do you think happens after death?
  • Peach: Dream job?
  • Sienna: Do you believe in love at first sight?
  • Cream: How many languages can you understand?
  • Ivory: What’s your religion?


ABC’s Once Upon a Time
will shed light on two differently evil sisters during the back half of
Season 5 — and to that end has cast tweenage Regina and Zelena.

TVLine has learned that Ava Acres, who recurs on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (as Young Rebecca) and who also memorably haunted Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Melinda May during the Cavalry’s backstory, has been cast in Episode 19 as Young Regina.

English actress Isabella Blake-Thomas (BBC’s The Green Balloon Club), meanwhile, will play Young Zelena in the same episode, which is titled “Sisters.”

Seen at age 10, Regina is described as neglected and lonely, with
zero interest in her mother’s royal duties. Twelve-year-old Zelena
meanwhile is coming to terms with the magical ability her father
despises so much.

Barbara Hershey — who returns as Cora in the winter premiere (airing
March 6) — likely will appear in the episode as the girls’ shared

As previously scooped by TVLine, though Zelena was banished back to
Oz in the midseason finale, she will resurface in Season 5B — in part,
to battle a warrior-mode Dorothy Gale (Chicago Fire alum Teri Reeves).

“[Zelena] is absolutely not done,” co-creator Eddy Kitsis
recently told TVLine. “The Zelena story in Oz, with Dorothy, will tie
into our Underworld story pretty significantly.”
